Why Fitbit Charge 5 keeps restarting? 6 important reasons you should know

Are you frustrated because your Fitbit Charge 5 keeps restarting? Don’t worry! You are not alone. This issue is common among many users and has several potential causes. In this article, we will look into various aspects of why this might be happening and offer potential fixes to help you solve the problem.

Why Fitbit Charge 5 keeps restarting?

fitbit charge 5 keeps restarting

Fitbit Charge 5 keeps restarting: Identifying the restarting issue in Fitbit Charge 5:

To figure out the root cause of the problem, it’s important to ascertain whether your Fitbit Charge 5 is indeed restarting on its own or if it’s just refreshing the screen. A restart typically manifests itself with the device’s screen going black and then coming back on with the Fitbit logo. This is a clear indication of a restart. On the other hand, if you see changes in stats or different screens popping up without the Fitbit logo making an appearance, it is likely, that your device is merely refreshing the screen, and not restarting. Understanding this difference is critical in diagnosing the problem and subsequently, in finding a solution.

Battery life and Power issues:

In some cases, your Fitbit Charge 5 could be restarting due to battery-related issues. Low battery life is one such reason – your device might initiate a restart as a power-saving measure when the battery levels dip below a certain threshold. If your Fitbit Charge 5 is often low on battery, consider charging it more frequently to avoid unnecessary restarts.

Faulty charging accessories might also lead to restarting issues. If your charging cable is damaged or if there’s an issue with the charging port, your Fitbit might not be getting the power it needs to function properly, causing it to reset or restart at irregular intervals. It’s crucial to ensure that your charging cable is in good condition and that the charging port is clean and free of debris. If the issue persists despite these checks, you may want to consider getting a new charging cable or getting the charging port inspected by a professional.

Finally, it’s worth noting that any problem with the battery itself can cause your device to keep restarting. Over time, the battery’s performance can deteriorate, leading to instability in the device’s operation. Consider replacing the battery if it’s not charging or losing charge quickly. If you suspect a battery issue, it would be best to reach out to Fitbit’s customer support for further assistance.

In summary, keeping an eye on your device’s battery health and charging habits can go a long way in preventing your Fitbit Charge 5 from constantly restarting.

fitbit charge 5 keeps restarting

Potential Software glitches:

Software-related issues can also lead to your Fitbit Charge 5 incessantly restarting. Certain software bugs or glitches could be causing system instability, leading to frequent device resets. This could occur if the Fitbit software is outdated, not functioning as expected, or if a recently installed app update is causing conflicts. Sometimes, a system update that hasn’t been installed correctly could also be at fault, causing glitches and forcing the device to restart as it tries to rectify the issue.

However, it’s crucial to remember that troubleshooting software issues are often a process of elimination. Isolate the issue by uninstalling recent apps or updates one by one, to identify if they might be causing the restart issue. You can also check if there’s a software update available for your Fitbit. Keeping your device’s software up-to-date can help you avoid many bugs and glitches.

In addition, it’s worthwhile to ensure your device is not overloaded with apps. Too many apps can overload your device’s memory, causing it to struggle and frequently restart. If the issue continues despite your troubleshooting efforts, it might be necessary to reach out to Fitbit’s customer support for assistance.

Remember, though, that software glitches are just one possible cause for your Fitbit Charge 5 restarting. It’s equally essential to evaluate other potential causes, such as battery and power issues, display settings, hardware malfunctions, and the device’s interaction with other gadgets, all of which could potentially contribute to this issue.

fitbit charge 5 keeps restarting

Problems with the Display settings:

Certain display settings on your Fitbit Charge 5 might be responsible for the recurring restart issue. Users have found that the brightness levels can potentially strain the device’s power supply, triggering a restart. This usually happens when the brightness setting is excessively high. Consider reducing the brightness to a more moderate level to see if this alleviates the problem.

The same situation can occur if your screen time-out setting is too brief. The device could be overworking to keep the screen on, causing it to restart. Increasing the duration before your screen goes to sleep might help solve the issue.

Remember, these are just potential causes. It’s important to take a comprehensive approach and consider all the possible reasons for your Fitbit Charge 5 restarting, which might include battery and power issues, software glitches, hardware malfunctions, and the interactions of your device with others. Only then can you effectively troubleshoot and rectify the problem.

Hardware malfunctions:

Hardware failures can also be the culprit behind your Fitbit Charge 5 restarting issue. If the device has been dropped, came in contact with water, or if there’s evident physical damage, these incidents might lead to internal components malfunctioning. These internal issues can cause the device to behave erratically, triggering repeated restarts. This is less common, but any form of physical trauma can potentially disrupt the normal functioning of your Fitbit Charge 5. If there are visible signs of damage or if you recall any incidents that might have caused harm to your device, it might be prudent to consult a professional or reach out to Fitbit’s customer support to get the device inspected and repaired.

Keep in mind that not all physical damage is noticeable externally; sometimes, internal components can get affected even without visible signs of distress on the device’s exterior. Therefore, if your device keeps restarting without any apparent cause and you’ve ruled out other potential issues such as battery or software problems, a hardware malfunction could be the cause. If your Fitbit Charge 5 is still under warranty, you might be eligible for a free repair or replacement. Always consider the possibility of hardware malfunctions when diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with your Fitbit Charge 5.

fitbit charge 5 keeps restarting

Interactions with devices:

The way your Fitbit Charge 5 interacts with other devices might be instigating the restart issue. For instance, if your Fitbit is paired with numerous devices, the multiple connections could be overloading its system and triggering the incessant restarts. Also, issues with Bluetooth connectivity might be causing instability. A weak or unstable Bluetooth connection could make your device work harder to maintain the connection, leading to frequent restarts.

It might be beneficial to unpair some of the devices or switch off Bluetooth when not needed to alleviate the strain on your Fitbit. However, keep in mind that this is just one possible cause, and it’s important to look into all potential factors that might be causing your Fitbit Charge 5 to restart. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, further investigation may be required to isolate the cause and find an appropriate solution.

How to prevent your Fitbit Charge 5 from restarting:

Preventing your Fitbit Charge 5 from constantly restarting involves being proactive in addressing the common causes identified earlier. Start by regularly updating your device’s software to ensure it’s running the latest version, which typically includes bug fixes and performance enhancements. Ensuring that your device is adequately charged can prevent unnecessary restarts due to low battery life. You should also monitor the condition of your charging accessories to ensure they’re providing sufficient power to your device.

It’s also worth adjusting the display settings, such as the brightness levels and screen time-out duration, to prevent straining the device’s power supply. Remember to limit the number of apps and paired devices to avoid overloading your Fitbit’s memory. Finally, treat your Fitbit with care to avoid any physical damage that could result in hardware malfunctions. By taking these preventative measures, you can help ensure that your Fitbit Charge 5 functions smoothly without frequently restarting.

fitbit charge 5 keeps restarting

Potential fixes and Solutions for the Fitbit Charge 5 Restarting issue:

Let’s explore some suggested solutions for your Fitbit Charge 5 restarting issue.

  1. First, consider updating your device’s software. This not only eliminates many bugs and glitches but also ensures your device runs optimally.
  2. Secondly, regularly charge your device to maintain its battery life. If you notice issues with your charging accessories, consider replacing them.
  3. Next, examine your display settings. Reducing your device’s brightness and extending the screen time-out duration might prevent overloads on the power supply, which could trigger restarts. Keep an eye on the number of apps installed on your device and the number of devices paired with your Fitbit. Overloading can cause the device to struggle and restart. If needed, uninstall some apps and unpair some devices to alleviate the load.
  4. Physical inspection is also crucial. Check for signs of damage, and if any, consult a professional or Fitbit’s customer support. Remember, not all damage is external; the device might have internal performance problems.
  5. Lastly, consider the interaction between your Fitbit and other devices. Unstable Bluetooth connections can strain your device, so ensure your connections are strong and stable.

These are just a few potential solutions for your Fitbit Charge 5 restarting issue. If none of these seem to work, it might be best to consult Fitbit’s customer support for further assistance. The key is to be patient and methodical in your approach, and you’re likely to find a solution to get your device back on track.


The ongoing issue of the Fitbit Charge 5 repeatedly restarting has been a significant source of frustration for users who expect a seamless fitness tracking experience. Despite some potential solutions, it’s become evident that Fitbit must take prompt action through firmware updates or recall initiatives to restore its reputation and maintain customer satisfaction. By doing so, Fitbit can demonstrate its commitment to providing high-quality products and ensure that users have a positive experience with their fitness tracker.


How do I fix my Fitbit Charge 5 stuck on the logo?

1. Unpair from Bluetooth and the Fitbit app.
2. Force quit the app.
3. Turn off Bluetooth.
4. Restart your phone.
5. Turn Bluetooth back on.
6. Set up your Charge 5 again.

Why does my Fitbit Charge 5 screen keep going blank?

To restart your unresponsive Charge 5 display: Connect it to the charger, press the button on the charger 3 times, and wait for the Fitbit logo to appear.

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